Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Day 68 - Kid Diseases

I'm slightly embarrassed by today's topic, even though I know that I had no control over the situation.  

This morning Sam woke up with tiny blisters all over his body.  Awesome.  I took him into the doctor and apparently he has a mild case of Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease.  Even more awesome.  I guess it really isn't as bad as it sounds.  Its a virus that sometimes manifests itself as a body rash.  He also had two big blisters, one on each foot.  So he is mildly contagious but there is nothing you can do to treat it. It is passed by contact with virus infected surfaces. I can just about guarantee that he got it in nursery at church.  That place is a disease factory.  

day 68


  1. Poor baby! Idea for Activity Girls. Clorox Nursery! Good Luck with Sammy's owies!

  2. Oi! They (as in the medical professionals) say that almost EVERYONE has HF&M at some point in their life. Most don't even realize the have it. And, I think I remember reading that it's like chicken pox...you only get it once (usually). So, at least Sam is done with his turn. Hope the little man is feeling better soon. Blisters. Ugh.

  3. Such a bummer...It is no fun to have a sick little one. I have known lots of kids that have had that. As far as nursery...definitely where he had to pick it up!!!

    Get better soon little guy!
