Friday, August 15, 2008

An unexpected side effect

There are a lot of side effects that go along with pregnancy. Heart burn is pretty universal along with morning sickness and a whole host of physical symptoms that are too gross to list. There are a lot of non-physical symptoms as well such as "pregnant brain" which I think is Tracey's excuse for just forgetting stuff. One of the unexpected side effects, at least for Tracey, has been a slight shift in her music tastes. This is exemplified by her enjoyment of the new Jesse McCartney song "Leavin'" and especially by her love love love of the new New Kids on the Block song. Weekend mornings we usually have the tv on VH1 for background music and Tracey will always stop what she is doing and watch if the NKOTB video comes on. Her favorite part is when they do the poses in silhouette and any part where Donnie is singing. Maybe it is not a pregnant thing but a "I am a girl that grew up in the 80s" thing. Anyway, for you perusal the NKOTB video


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