Wednesday, August 27, 2008

Hello World

I decided it was time for me to finally check in. Ben has been great about handling the correspondence but now I that I'm starting to feel human again I thought I should take a turn.

Sammy is doing great! He is the cutest little monkey (as the world seems to call him) or "Bunkee" as Grandpa Hanson calls him. Grandpa H says he has a hairdo "like the guys up in Canada". So far he is such a sweet baby. He only cries when Ben changes his diaper or when he becomes unswaddled. He has such a sweet face that according to my mom looks just like Ben. We know he has a dimple in his chin like Grandpa Dannelly (Paul) but there might just be a hint of dad's dimple in his cheek. I will be in BIG trouble if that is the case.

We had a rough day of labor on Monday but finally after 19 hours and a second epidural that didn't come until 8 (the first one DID NOT work) the kid decided to join us. I have an amazing doctor and seem to be healing really well. I even walked around this floor of the hospital yesterday AND was able to get up tonight at 3 am and go to the bathroom on my own. Shocking! I seem to be itching a lot and hot ALL the time but I think that just maybe this kid might be worth it.

Ben has taken to being a daddy so well! We all knew he would but he has gone above and beyond! He's changed yucky tar diapers, seen "gross girl stuff", dealt with a randomly emotional wipe and taken a million pictures.

Since I know that is the part you all want anyway, here are some pics of the little guy. SO CUTE!!! I'm the mom so I might be a little bias. . . in the words of my sister-in-law Kristy referring to out nephew, "Isn't he the cutest baby you've ever seen?!"


  1. Congratulations guys! He really is a cute baby! Best of luck in the days to come. I'm sure he WILL start crying for you more. Just a guess.

  2. Congratulations!!! You both will do great he is a very pretty baby.

  3. He is such a handsome little guy. I'm so happy for you guys. I hope we get down to see him soon. I like the kind you can come hold and cuddle and leave with their parents when they are crying. :)
