Thursday, May 24, 2007

The Joys of Marriage

Ben was right, I haven't been a very good contributor so I will attempt to redeem myself.

Our 1st wedding anniversary is this Sunday so I thought that now would be a good time reflect on the institute of marriage. This blog is not designed to make anyone who is NOT married feel bad. Nor is it meant to make anyone feel bad about their own spouse. (Although mine is Super Awesome!) It is designed to point out to everyone why being married is such a great thing.

(This is cheesy. . . Watch out!)

1. No more crappy nights trolling for "the one". (If you ARE married and STILL looking for this person, you may want to review your marital status.) No more trying to look super cuter and compete with all the crazy BYU co-eds who get up WAY too early in the morning just to look cute for the 8:00 am class that all the dudes are sleeping through anyway. You've got your perma-date. You know how the night will end . . . without awkward doorstep situation. Plus you know he'll call you in the morning AND he won't be looking at every girl he sees for the next best thing.

2. You always have someone on your side. When friends, family or work is driving you crazy you know that your spouse will always take your side and tell you, "Yes honey, (blank) is the worst. You are so much (prettier, smarter, nicer, skinnier) than (blank)." or "I can't believe (sibling) did that! You are the best kid in your family!"

3. Brains begin to work as one. You see the lady at the store with the horrendous fashion choice and all you have to do is look at each other. Or when you yell "Get off your phone and drive!" and your husband just laughs!

4. Normal schedule. No more nights of staying up until midnight and then trying to wake up a six. Hubby is sleeping in the same bed as you so you don't have to convince him to stay until you go to sleep. (Sometimes he thought you were asleep and would try to sneak out even when you weren't! Snoring doe not equal sleeping!)

5. Support for all your endeavors. He'll buy you heelies even if you are the only adult in America that has them. He'll banish himself to the basement so you can write your stupid thesis. He will even buy you ingredients so you can pursue your life long dream of being a cupcake master.

6. A husband will teach you cool new things to say and witty retorts. Ex. You say, "Honey, you need a haircut." He'll respond with "YOU need a haircut." Or when you say something like, "That's what (blank) said about (blank)." He'll reply with "What does (blank) know. Nothin' . . . That's what!" He will also increase your use of words like "douche-bag", "Awesome" and "Yow-zah!".

7. He will ALWAYS make fun of your crappy ex-boyfriend as long as you sporadically supply him with new material. The only bad part he will almost always follow it with, "You were with him for HOW long?!"

8. He ALWAYS thinks you cute . . . Even if your not.

9. He always makes sure you are taken care of. He'll buy you a brand spankin' new laptop to write your stupid thesis. He'll make you treats to enjoy while you work on your stupid thesis. He'll trek to the library to pick up books for your stupid thesis. He'll even Tivo all of the "Girls Next Door" so you can watch it when you are done writing you stupid thesis.

10. Marriage is the natural state of things.

I used to work with a bunch of women who complained about their husbands incessantly so I always thought that marriage was hard. It's not, I love my husband and I think he's the best.


  1. Tracey is not mentioning how I drive her crazy on a daily basis, but it was a very nice post. I would like to point out that this is the same person who told me very early on in the dating to never expect any mushy emails or anything like that
