Monday, June 20, 2011

Day 157 - AKA Day 7,964

Today's picture isn't actually a photo.  It's a contract that my aunt (who is my age) and I made my uncle (her brother) sign when we were 10.  Someone must have come across it while they were cleaning out my Grandpa's house.  Anyway, I don't remember the exact circumstances but I think my mom must have been annoyed with her four children.  (Beth came the next year)  I'm pretty sure Danny said something like, "I would LOVE to have four kids. That would be so fun." He must have been in his early 20's at the time.  So my aunt and I made this little contract for him to sign.  As you can see, I was a strange child who apparently had an inflated sense of self-importance.  

In case you are wondering my uncle now has four kids. I'll ask him next time I see him if it is fun.

1 comment:

  1. Danny said he wanted MORE than 4 kids. Looks like he will get his wish. 6 it will be in February!
