Thursday, May 29, 2008

Ben the sandwich thief

I came across this picture as I was putting the pictures from the cabin onto the computer and I thought it was pretty funny. It was taken as the kids were having lunch and Ikey-boy (like all kids) needed some encouragement. I was in the other room getting the fishing stuff ready when I heard Anya and Tracey telling Ikey that he needed to eat his sandwich fast or Ben was going to come in and steal his sandwich. For some reason Ikey is especially susceptible to this type of ploy. Whenever he acts like he is done someone has to say that they are going to eat his food and he immediately wants it again. You would think that he lives in a house where his food is constantly stolen. Of course that is not the case.

After a while I decided to help out by playing the part and acting like I was there to steal his sandwich. Ikey reacted by grabbing the sandwich and immediately cramming it all into his mouth as fast as possible. All in all I thought it was a good strategy since I do love sandwiches. I thought it was a good feeding aid as long as Ikey boy does not choke


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