Thursday, August 2, 2007

Cougar of love: episode what the....

I must explain why the episode recap has been delayed. We were at a birthday party for my nephew Romney Monday and I forgot to set the Tivo (by the way, Tivo is possibly the greatest invention of all time. I do not know how we survived without it). I had to watch the episode online which now that I think about it is pretty sad. Ignoring that depressing fact, his show has gone from amusing to completely insane. I will focus on a couple moments.

The show opens with the girls getting to watch a video from Jayanna that she made after she was eliminated from the show. I have never ever seen this done on a reality show before. Of course, she was bitter and talked trash about Amanda (who is completely insane but I will mention later). The video did no good since the girls watched the video and not Mark. That set the tone for this crazy episode.

So they do their dates and of course there are plenty of chances for the girls to slut it up. I thought it was funny that Amanda complained about the shortness of a dress she picked out. Also Maria actually started looking her age when dancing for 20 minutes just about gave her a heart attack. She was sweating as much as Clay Aiken in a hot dog factory (ok that was a tasteless joke but this was a tasteless episode).

The next date was the 21 year old at high tea. This had such forced humor that it was painful. We get it, she is 21 and immature and doesn't know about stuff like high tea. The producers have all of the subtlety of my Clay Aiken joke.

Finally, there was his date with the super cougar. This was the only date that was actually romantic, which gave Amanda an opportunity to act super insane and jealous. I am a little surprised she did not start walking around the city looking for them. At the end of the date there were some "massages" exchanged, and we will leave it at that. Of course, super coug goes back and tells the girls about it sending Amanda's insanity to Britney Spears level, except not so white trash. I don't think she has ever seen a dating show, or knows how they go. Yeesh!

So of course Maria says she will eliminate herself and in the biggest shock of the season she actually does. The real crazy part was they were supposed to fly to Australia and 21 year old was so scared of flying she just left the show rather than fly for 14 hours. Has she not heard of a benadryl and nyquil cocktail for flying. Anyway, a crazy end to a crazy episode


  1. I agree with you on every single topic. It was out of control!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
    I loved it......

  2. Also.....these pictures? Where do you find these cougar pictures? Let me guess, BYU website?

  3. Ok, this last one did come from BYU but the others just come from random places. My favorite is the airbrushing on the back of a leather jacket
