Wednesday, February 11, 2009

Mommy Help Needed . . .

Alright, I know that almost everyone who reads our blog is a mom (or at least has a mom)  I need help!

Mr. Sam, the most precious baby in the world, has decided that sleeping through the night is no longer an agreeable situation for our household.  Every night since Saturday he has been up ever 1-2 hours.  The only way he will sleep longer is if he is sleeping right next to one of his parents. This creates a couple of small problems.  

First, Ben doesn't sleep if Sam is next to him.  Ben has to work and gets super frustrated when he can't sleep.  This leads to marital arguments.  I hate arguing and then I get weepy. 

Second, I sleep but not so well, if I have Sam. This also KILLS my right arm and shoulder. Additionally, any of you who know me very well realize that I am NOT a good person when I don't get enough sleep.  (I'm so bad that my mom HATED when I went to sleepovers as a kid because I would be a crab the rest of the next day) I hate being mean and then I get weepy.

Finally, Sam is his mother's child and is also a crab if he doesn't get enough sleep.  Then he has a rough day and I feel guilty and then I get weepy.  

Are you noticing a trend?

I think that I have discovered the underlying root of the issue.  Teething.  Two.  Right in front. 

Some of you may be thinking, "Get used to it sweetie!  You're a mom, quit your weeping." I understand that and normally the mommy trials don't get to me.  I'm just hoping someone can give me some survival tactics.  We've tried Tylenol, oragel and teething tablets with a little success.  Not much.  He is two weeks aways from 6 months and I would really like to give him ibuprofen.  Are we close enough? Should I let him cry it out in his crib?  Do I sacrifice my right arm and shoulder to the teething gods and just snuggle him all night and pray that someday he will sleep in his own bed again?



  1. Give in now and let him sleep with you and you'll never get him out of your bed. The arm will only gets more sore as he grows. :) Teething is a hard stage. If the time for Ibprofen is 6 months I say close enough, didn't know there was a time. I swear my kids had it earlier than that. (Bad Mommy)It might just be one of those things you have to tough out. Make sure his belly is full and give him tylenol/ibprofen as often as can be given even if he doesn't seem cranky at the time that might keep it from getting too bad if you wait until he really needs it. Other than that, I'm not much help. You'll find what will work best for you. Keep your chin up. Call me if you need a babysitter for a nap on a weekend. :)

  2. Keaton was waking up during the night multiple times about 2 months ago. At first we thought it was teeth but he still hasn't gotten any. On a recommendation from our pediatrician we changed his feeding schedule. We give him a larger meal before bed -- 5 ounce bottle and 1 1/2 stage 2 jars of baby food. Now he sleeps through the night like a champ. Not sure if this helps but it is worth a try.

    Miss you at BMW!

  3. Zaylee had ibuprofen before six months when she had a fever from an ear infection-per doctor approval so I say go ahead and try to see if that will help. You can alternate the tylenol and ibuprofen also if needed. As for the sleeping, if you figure out how to get him out of your bed and to sleep in his own crib please let me know--I have a 20 month old that STILL will not sleep through the night!!!! Don't get him into the habit now cause it'll seem like you can NEVER get him out of it. Good luck! =)

  4. P.S. Ditto on the babysitter...Zaylee can always use a friend!

  5. Well, Jack is almost 3 and he's never slept in his own bed. N.E.V.E.R. I lost to the crying it out method. So, tell Ben to either scoot over or make him a nice bed on the couch. Medicine makes Jack restless. He never sleeps good. Tosses and turns all night. Good Luck!!

  6. What a fun time Trace, For the gum's put a spoon in the freezer for about 20 minutes and rub the back over his gum's. It soothes and numbs them.The sleeping bit I don't know what to tell you. I know that when Cami and Chloe' were babies if they had a full belly they would sleep better.

    You could always do what my stupid ex-sister-in-law did and drug him up with benadryl.Just kidding, only someone so horrible as her would do it. Good luck!

    Maybe, you could get your mom or mother in law to take the baby one night to get some sleep or just for a few hours.

  7. I'm so glad my kids are OLD! Haha! Just kidding though, I really feel for you. Being a mom just makes us weepy. I never cried until I had kids and I still don't unless it involves my kids and then I cry all the time. I remember many nights sitting up holding a baby (Sammy) that wouldn't sleep and CRYING because I was SO TIRED!!

    I don't know about the whole evil mom thing but my DOCTOR told me to give Andrew Benadryl to help him get in a better sleep pattern. He was older though probably 10 or 11 months.

    I SO know about he ornery with no sleep thing! I and my kids are all that way. I still hate letting Sammy have sleepovers for that VERY reason! She thinks I am TERRIBLY mean!

    Good luck!

  8. FUN!! Here are my two cents...speaking about my newest munchkin...

    Ryder slept SO good from 2-4 months. 8-5 and then back to sleep until 8. THEN...he started waking up every couple of hours which turned into every hour. Because Ryan leaves for work at 4:45am. I brought Ryder to bed with us so that as soon as he would make a peep, I could 'hook' him up. This made for MANY long nights for me! FINALLY at 8 months I put him in his own bed to cry it out. For him it only took ONE night!! My other boys were at least 2 or 3. He has been sleeping through the night for a month now. It IS SO nice to get a good nights sleep again. He had no problem moving out of our bed. SO...good luck!

    As far as teething, I ALWAYS thought my kids were teething about 2-3 months before the first tooth actually showed up. Ryder got two teeth last month and has FOUR coming through now. He is a bear a lot during the day, but still sleeps well at night with or without the Ibprofen.

    Hears to some good sleep for all!!

  9. I gave in to ibuprofen about 2 weeks ago and Kaia is barely 4 months!! Fever and colds hit our house hard this month!
