Tuesday, June 24, 2008

A Bit Ridiculous

I've decided that there are lots of things about being pregnant that are a bit ridiculous including crazy things I make my husband do.  By ridiculous I don't necessarily mean bad, I just mean a little bit silly when you really think about it.  You all know how much I love lists so here is the "Ridiculous Pregnancy list".
  1. Baby bags- Why are these things so expensive and why do I need the  SUPER cute Kate Spade baby bag Ben just bought me?  I have no idea. But at least I'll be frazzled with a cute bag when Sammy gets here. (In my defense it was on HUGE sale and I've been begging for a Kate Spade for YEARS.)
  2. Childbirth Classes- I'm sure that these classes will prove helpful in some way and maybe I will learn more later BUT do I really need someone to tell me to eat fresh fruits and vegetables?   That's what babycenter.com and common sense are for.
  3. Crazy people in Childbirth Classes- Ben and I saw more visiblely tattooed pregnant women that we have ever seen in our lives.  Keep in mind, this is coming from a coming from a tattooed pregnant women, I'm fine with tattoos!  Some of these people were Klassy with a capital K!  I think my favorite part was either when a girl exclaimed "What?! The "caca" is in there with the baby?"  or when she burst out laughing when the instructor said "buttocks".
  4. Costco size bottles of Tums- Only in pregnancy could this be your favorite treat. 
  5. Bottle controversy-  I keep reading about how certain bottles are bad and you should only give your babies glass ones because plastic is evil.  If you are ever bored, try to tell my husband about this.  You will get a GIANT eye roll and a "People are stupid.  You know that I'm a polymer scientist right?"

1 comment:

  1. Please don't buy glass bottles- are you asking for shattered glass all over your floor?!
    The plastic nazis will never find you and your baby will live a happy plastic filled life.
