Sunday, December 30, 2007

The Best/Worst Gift I Could Have Given My Husband

I have been chastised for my lack of posting so I better write something. Let me tell you about Ben's Christmas. I decided to buy the DS Zelda for Ben as a Christmas gift. This choice has ended up being a double edged sword. It's great because he really enjoys it and has spent HOURS being entertained by it. The bad part is, I have COMPLETELY lost my husband. I have never seen him so captivated by anything. Yesterday morning, he was literally playing within 10 minutes of waking up. It's really quite hilarious. Have you ever seen the Home Depot/Lowes commercial where the wife is asking her husband about remodeling the house and he is so wrapped up in the football game that he isn't paying attention to the fact that she is about to spend thousands of dollars on the house? Welcome to my life. If any of you were hoping to hear from Ben this weekend, I would recommend calling him tomorrow. He's fighting "the last guy" as we speak.


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