Tuesday, April 8, 2008

How I know this baby will grow up to be Ben

Some of you will recall that at one time Ben told me he only produces male offspring's. Well, that part held up however, he was starting the question the baby's ethnicity because all I want to eat is yummy Mexican food from La Puente. Even my favorite waitresses tease me about it when they see me three times a week. MMMMM . . . smothered burrito. Ben unfortunately hasn't developed the same passion for "The Bridge" so I eat there during my lunch at work.

Finally tonight we found a place that we both love AND reaffirms that this is Ben's kid: Johnniebeefs. I have BEGGING for a chili-dog for the last 19 weeks, Ben finally did some research tonight and relented. The deal is I can only have them once a month (this point will be undergoing debate) and we have to make sure the are reputable dogs. None of Ben's favorite 7-Eleven hot dogs for me. Johnniebeefs is the answer to a pregnant women's prayers. The dude behind the count (a Chicago native) set Ben straight on the hot dog front. He assured my sweet husband that these aren't any sub par hot dogs and that his wife and unborn son deserved a hot dog. The dude was right. I had the chili-dogs and fries. YUMMY!!! It's been an hour and no heartburn yet! They also fit into Ben's "Support Local" plan. If you are in the Fort Union Area you should totally go try it.

Sorry Sam, I think we might be naming the baby Johnnie.

1 comment:

  1. I thought you could eat hot dogs as long as they were cooked and not raw?! I can't believe Ben has been keeping them from you!
