Monday, November 22, 2010

Hanson Dirty Laundry

So Sam loves the hamper. A couple of months ago I took this video to show his grandparents how he climbs in and out to watch television. (More after video)

It is something that he continues to do. For some reason, this is one of his favorite hangouts in our home. This morning I've been preparing for our impending trip to Utah when I realized he was being VERY quiet. If you know two yr olds, you know that this is never a good thing.

Today it actually was.

I went into the bedroom and found this.

Such a sweet boy.

And in case you were wondering, he's watching the British version of Wonder Pets. It is much less annoying with British accents.


  1. I love that you captured the moment. How did you find him? I would have been furiously running around the house looking for him. This is a great spot probably pretty comfy too. Yes, he is a sweet sweet boy!

  2. I'd watch Wonder Pets with British accents too. Such a cute boy!

  3. How did the thing stay up? I would think he would have pulled it down on himself? Crazy kid:)

  4. What a cute post! I love your tribute to 2010. I'm glad to see you're doing well. I'm coming to San Antonio the end of February first week of March. Is that very close to you? I'd love to come see you if it is. Just let me know--you can e-mail me at
