Thursday, August 26, 2010


We are officially in Texas. So far, so good. We were lucky enough to have my parents move us. They were lucky enough to get to try 20 hours to Texas and then turn around around and drive home. Let me tell you, it is one exciting drive. (By exciting, I mean BORING)

Granted they did get to drive this:

I managed to snap a few pictures (as Ben drove by at 80 mph) of the highlights of the drive. Specifically, the "Welcome to ____ signs" Let me tell you, Utah's is one of the best. Let me show you . . .


Colorado. My friend's son says it looks like an Eagle Scout Project. I'm going to agree.

New Mexico. Saved by scenery.

And my favorite . . . Texas.

Really?! That's it? Just a green sign through our dirty windshield?!

Maybe they don't have as many Eagle Scouts here . . .


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