Sunday, August 23, 2009

No-Where, Nevada

This summer has been full of adventures so when my dad invited us to go on a weekend trip to Ely, NV of course we agreed! The plan was to ride a steam train and go to Lehman caves. That's it. That is all there is to do. Really.

So Saturday we rode the Northern Nevada Railway.

My dad LOVES riding steam trains (it's no coincidence that he works for the railroad). It was super authentic and in beautiful shape. I love the little luggage cart. Here is my old-timey tribute to the train. My dad was dismayed at the yellow rail my photograph. Apparently yellow rail is not authentic.

Sam must not have been very impressed with the train ride because halfway through the ride he threw his bottle out the window. Just chucked it out. It's now out in the middle of the desert by some abandoned mining cars. I hope the coyotes appreciate my Dr. Brown's bottles.

The first half of the ride we tried to keep Sam under control. Let's just say he is more busy than he was when we took our trip with my parents in June. He's a crazy man! The train was kind of empty so the second half we just let him loose. If there is one thing that Sam loves, it's wheels. Once he found his stroller in a hidey-hole he camped out with his beloved wheels. What you can't see is how filthy he is from the train soot, desert dirt, and natural little boy messiness.

The highlight of the entire trip must have been today. We went to Lehman Caves because Ben had never been there. Our ranger tour guide was super corny and told TERRIBLE jokes. Sam loves echos so he jabbered the entire way down to the cave and all through the schpeal in the first room. Ranger Rick apparently didn't like competing with my cute son for attention because he kicked Sam out. That's right, he called for another ranger and had us escorted out. Really.

I have a feeling this will be the first of time of many in which Sam will get us kicked out of public places.


  1. Those are awesome photos!! And, I can't believe they actually kicked you out!! If that's the case, I now know I could definitely NEVER take Zaylee there!! =)

  2. So fun! I wanna go do fun things!!
