Tuesday, February 5, 2008

Babies, Babies Everywhere

Isn't it funny that it seems like when one person gets pregnant EVERYONE gets pregnant! I swear everywhere I turn there is a pregnant women. It's so fun! I work with a couple of other pregnant women so it's nice as the newbie to be able to ask questions and see how everyone else's pregnancies are progressing. Here is a picture of our little peanut/alien/gummybear. Not much to look at yet but we're just happy it has a head and a heart (and a tail according to Ben).

I was super sick this morning but I can't complain because it has been a relatively easy pregnancy so for. The strangest thing has been how pregnancy has effected my eating habits. The first 2 months all I wanted to eat was Cafe Rio and grilled cheese sandwhiches. I also ate an entire bag of Oreos almost single handedly, most of it at 3:30 am over a couple of nights. Poor Ben is getting tired of planning things for dinner and me coming home and saying, "I don't feel like eating _______." It's shocking that I've only gained a pound and half. I'm sure I'll have exploded by next month.


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