Wednesday, July 18, 2007

Why it doesn't pay to be a floozie. . .

Many of you (all 5 of you who read this) have heard Ben tell the story of how when we first started dating I ignored him. While this is not ENTIRELY true, I can't deny that maybe, just maybe, he didn't get my full attention because I was dating other dudes. I was a floozy, I admit it. All of those who side with Ben will be happy to know that he was vindicated today at lunch.

So there was this guy, Jerry, that I went out with a couple of times starting the weekend after my first date with Ben. Without going to into the gory details I'll just say I may have had amorous relations with this guy. (Not THOSE kind of relations! Get your mind out of the gutter!) Unfortunately for me, these relations occurred right before the World Series. Even more unfortunately I was ranked lower on the importance scale than his beloved White Sox. So the dude didn't call for weeks and Ben being the great guy that he is put on the friend hat and consoled his future wife. My attention span is shorter than the World Series and by the time it was done, Ben and I were good buddies. Such good buddies that we got engaged a short time later. The really funny part happened about a month before our wedding when Jerry showed up at Ann Taylor to "say hi" and see what I was up to. (In others words, "Let's hook up.") I'm not going to lie, I took GREAT joy in informing him that I was marrying the dude I went out with the week before I went out with him.

Anyway . . . Back to flooziness biting my in the hiney. I met Ben for lunch today, and who was sitting at the table behind Ben and facing me. You got it, "Scam and Jam" Jerry. Needless to say my husband quite enjoyed seeing me squirm when I realized who was staring me down in the middle of Noodles. He also really liked that part when he got up to get a drink to check him out. I think I'm going to be hearing, "You almost ditched me for THAT?" for quite some time. I hate karma.

The moral of this story, don't date lots of dudes at one time because chances are you are going to run into one of them and then NEVER hear the end of it from you spouse. Now if I can just keep him away from Myki . . . .

(Yes, that's how my ex really spells his name. Don't get us started on him)


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